November 11, 2011

11/11/11 what a wish should be

Today is one of those days where facebook will be bombarded with the idea that 11/11/11 is a magical day. Perhaps its the rapture that has happened twice already according to facebook posts.

In truth its Veterans Day a day where we honor and remember those who fought in wars to protect our freedom and right to live as people who can go on faceboook and post about making wishes.

What were the soldier wishes? watch Vietnam in HD. I caught a bit of it and hearing those stories of the families here at home making real wishes. They wanted their sons, brothers, friends, husbands to come home. The soldiers wishes who wanted to come home, who wanted to just stay alive for one more day. Those who witnessed their fellow brothers die so terribly. Those injured wishing to live through this and make it home and others wishing to die just not to live with the pain of a missing limb or knowing they may not even live through the night. Those are real wishes.

So when the clock strikes at 11:11 today think about what you really wishing for. Its a nice thought to help ya through the day, to have a little fun even, but think about those who fought for us and keep in mind what today really is about. Happy Veterans Day.

"If a man could have half of his wishes, he would double his troubles." - Benjamin Franklin

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