February 23, 2011

Small World

You know its a small world when the detetecive who was working on my case happens to be from my neighborhood and happens to know the same people my mom use to chill with back in the day (no they not friends or close or even know each other. They have mutual friends). Its these types of coincidences that help break the ice and made it easier for me to speak to him. Also he was in sweats and a tee. He apologized for how he was dressed but I told him honestly the suit would of made me nervous and right now he looked like a regular person that I can feel comfortable speaking with. He continued to apologize but I was cool with it.

Connections between people, strangers or not is always interesting. C.W. Lewis once said "Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You too? I thought I was the only one."

People have a habit of thinking that they are the only ones at anything. The only one struggling, or trying to get by. But the truth is everyone has problems, we all just view them differently. Now I don't wanna preach something that's been said over and over, but no matter how many times a person can hear it you be surprised how quick they forget it. So every now and then the reminder is needed. Now that I think about it, I'm reminding myself. 

Anyways...just for the record the case is closed. And if justice is ever served, I believe Judge Karma can handle that. As for me now I'm just going to keep on looking for work and just try to figure out what my next move is. 

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