July 29, 2014

Silly thoughts

She watched the van with much suspicion. It was a hazy summer day, not so hot with a slight wind chill. A perfect day to be out on bike, and as she picked a spot to sit, she kept her eyes on the van. Her childish fear present in her mind. Watching too many action suspense thrillers made her always question vans parked outside. She always feared a white one would pull up and take her away. Silly girl she thought, she was a silly girl with silly thoughts. She smiled to herself, as a rumbling could be heard overhead. The train was passing on the overpass. A few bikes passed by on the lane, she heard children laughing as they played. People laying out on the grass, cars driving by, men fishing whatever they can find in the river. This is what she needed, a moment to enjoy simple everyday things, including the creepy van. 

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