I grew up accustomed to this. With having to walk passed grown men saying things to me. I would always be told ignore them, they drunk it’s what they do. And all I could think was how is this ok?
I use to dress like a boy cause I was a tomboy. Then I wore a tank top and the comments began. I couldn’t be comfortable anymore. I had to dress to avoid the words. No shorts or skirts. I didn’t wanna hear what these men had to say.
I grew up surrounded by boys. The same boys who taught me to fight and defend myself and in the end I think they knew those skills would be used against one of them.
And they was right. The safety of being alone with someone I thought as a friend disappeared in a matter of seconds. I couldn’t even say anything, because I was made to believe it twas my fault. And worse for fighting back. I haven’t been able to speak about this for years. Cause once I told someone I was blamed. And he walks free.
I grew up watching my guy friends degrade and mistreat their girlfriends, yet tell me what they would do to a guy who does that to me. I never understood that hypocrisy.
I met a guy recently and he called me stupid without reason. He sent me a pic of himself. I’ll know what his penis will look like before his smile.
I say Me Too and wish I didn’t have to. I wish I didn’t have a story to share but sadly I have more than one. This harassment, this violence, it’s not ok. But we live in a world where it is.